
Some highlights from the past two months

It's been a while since I posted... and since it's not possible to write out everything I've done since my last post, here are the highlights from the past two months:

-Grace (30 95# clean & jerks)- 5:04
-Angie (100 each of pull ups, push ups, sit-ups, squats)- 21:08
-Death by pull ups (1 pull up first minute, 2 pulls up on second minute...)- 16 rounds and 15 pull ups, (151 pull ups total in 17 minutes)
-Nicole (AMRAP in 20 min: 400m run, max pull ups)- 5 rounds, 108 pull ups
-Chelsea (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats, do a round every minute for 30 minutes)- 18 straight rounds. (completed a total of 26 rounds -130 pull ups, 260 push ups, 390 squats in 30 minutes)

@body weight 125#
-Max pull ups: 35
-Max push ups: 50
-Max snatch: 93#
-Max clean: 133#
-Max push press: 125# (did 25 of them in a wod, so can probably do more)
-Overhead squat: 115#x3
-Front squat: 137#x3


At 12:46 AM, Blogger Libby said...



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